Why Revolution?

Your Mom Said That While Changing Your Diaper. Have You Spoken To Her Lately?

Your Mom Said That While Changing Your Diaper. Have You Spoken To Her Lately?

Hey, how are you? Glad to see you!

Are you planning to see your twin this weekend?

What? You don’t have a twin?

You must be kidding. Or may be your mom never shared this secret.

But let me tell you, you do have a twin. You were not born alone. Your mom had You and a Dream.

She painted that dream to perfection and nurtured it with hope and excitement just as she raised you with love and care.

When you started walking and playing sand-house, concerns of your safety and protection were the dominant colors of that painting. That’s why she used to remind you while changing your diaper:

  • Stay in the backyard.
  • Play only with friends.
  • Don’t speak to strangers.

You were a nice kid; you listened to your mom and followed the instructions very well. As you grew up, you made new friends in the school, in the college and at job. However, it was nothing more than an extension of the childhood backyard and a few more friends.

Do you know that your mom’s dream has been growing with you all this time? Once fearful about your safety, your mom now pictures you as a fearless and extrovert achiever whether it’s business, politics, sports or just everyday social interactions. At this stage her dream demands that you break the boundaries and go beyond friends; make your voice heard across the world; meet new people and discover new opportunities.

Your mom gave you endless love & affection and now it’s time to give back. What are you planning to give her this Mother’s Day? Flowers? A dinner? That’s all nice but better give her the gift of her dream. Tell her that You Made It!

As you plan to get out of the fenced backyard; reach people beyond friends and live a larger life, you face some serious obstacles. You do not own a global media to broadcast your voice across the world and your social media doesn’t allow your voice to reach beyond friends and followers.

However, do not worry. I’ve a good news for you; the world around you has also grown with you and your dream. When you played doll house with your friends in the fenced backyard, grown up people used to do the same online. They called it social media. Now that you and your twin have grown up, the social media has also come of age and it’s now called Buzz n Beat.

Buzz n Beat is a mission to commence the dream era of Social Internet where Friendships are preserved as relationships & connections but eliminated as barriers and boundaries. It’s a mission to put the ultimate power of unrestricted communication in Your hands.

However, this mission won’t be accomplished without You on-board because this Disruptive Revolution needs your involvement and engagement to make it happen. . . . for You . . . . and for Everyone.

What? You already have millions of friends & followers? Great! Congratulations for being a social media celebrity! However, believe us that the world on the other side of the fence is endless. Won’t you like an even larger audience? Won’t you like the whole world to benefit from your voice and what you share? Let’s break the barriers!

We invite you to join this Disruptive & Exciting New Era of Social Internet and Reach The World Without Limits!:

  • Share everything you like, from selfies and everyday fun to amazing online content!
  • Express your opinion, engage in global conversations and gather support for your cause from around the world!
  • Promote your business and reach new clients & customers.
  • Use hyperlinks to drive traffic to your blog/website!

Remember! Freedom of Speech is your constitutional right.
But its meaningless without audience.

Join Now

It’s Free; It’s Fun; It’s Rewarding

You can visit the following links to read more about Buzz n Beat Mission and to learn how to publish full featured BuzzPosts on BuzzLog; air quick short BuzzCasts on BuzzChannels and connect & share with friends & followers on BuzzLine:

Buzz n Beat – A Brief Introduction
Buzz n Beat – The Mission
Buzz n Beat – What Why How – In a Nutshell
Your Buzz n Beat Social Network
BuzzCast On BuzzChannels With Global Reach
How To BuzzCast On BuzzChannels – Step by Step
Buzzlog – A Free, Feature-Rich and Powerful Blogging Platform
How To Write a BuzzPost – Step by Step
How To Create Stunning BuzzSliders For Your BuzzCasts & BuzzPosts
The Do’s and Don’ts of being a great author
How To Manage Your Author Profile

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